Don't lead with gifts

Jan 23, 2021

Why is leading with a gift a bad idea when it comes to making a connection with another vendor?

1. Gifts are expensive!  Why are you wasting $ on a gift for someone you do not know?  Think about it.  Gifts are a thank you. Not a door opener. 

2.  Managers, bosses that are worth their salt see through gift giving. They think - this is all you got man?  They want relationships that are built on performance, trust, common goals.  Relationships that product revenue! 

3. Giving a gift to create a relationship is creating leverage.  This is a huge violation of creating WIN WIN relationships that will stand the test of time. 

4. Let's say it works - and they start referring or partnering with you.  You have to keep up this high maintenance relationship going forward. 

So what should you do instead? I will break that down for you in - Creating real vendor connections 




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